Schedule 新班开课

2024 年 新班开课



  1. 保健养⽣乐齡班: 提供给年齡在65歲或以上的男⼥乐齡⼈⼠,上课时间定在每个星期⼆和星期五晚上從8.30pm到 10pm. 学费每⽉$20(优待⼀半学费), ⼀次预交三个⽉学费.
  2. 在校学: 对太极拳有兴趣和想更了解太极武术的在校学⽣可以申请加⼊学习⻩⽒太极拳. 学⽣的学费将会给于特别的优待,每⽉只收$10的学费,每星期六或星期天下午上⼀堂课,每堂课1⼩时.
  3. 传统太极拳训练班: 给⼀般爱好学习太极拳的⼤衆⼈⼠报名参加,课程先从初级开始到中级,不分男⼥⽼少和种族都可以报名参加. ⼀次预收三个⽉的学费.
  4. 新班时间段可选以下一项:
    • 星期二和星期五傍晚 8.30pm到10.00pm.
    • 星期⼀和星期四傍晚 8.00pm到9.30pm.
    • 星期日(每周只有一堂课)早上 8.30am到10.00am.
    • 星期二和星期五早上9.15am到10.45am
    • 星期三和星期五早上9.15am到10.45am


我们也有⼀对⼀教导,每堂课1⼩时,每⼩时$20 ⾄$50, 根据学⽣的需求和地点来收费. 我们会先收4堂课的学费,每星期只有一堂课.

报名被彔取后的学员,我们将会通知上课时间和⽇期. 我们会尽量安排适当的时间以⽅便爱好学习太极拳的⼈⼠报名参加.


孙教练: 电话:96934414, WhatsApp, 电邮

黄教练: 电话 91120780, WhatsApp, 电邮

New Classes in 2024 (New time slots available!)

Huang’s (Yang Style) Taijiquan Training Class will start enrolling students for 2024, accepting applications from the general public who are interested in learning Taijiquan.

New class categories:

  1. For Seniors: Healthcare and Wellness Class is available for seniors aged 65 and above. Class starts from 8.30pm to 10pm on every Tuesday and Friday. The tuition fee is $20 per month (half of the usual fee). Fee to be paid in advance, once every 3 months.
  2. For Students: Current students in schools who are interested to learn more about Taiji martial arts can join the Huang’s Taijiquan class. Tuition fee is at a preferential rate of $10 per month. The class will be one hour session on either Saturday or Sunday afternoon.
  3. For Taiji enthusiasts: Classes are opened for those who like to learn traditional Taijiquan, regardless of gender, age and race. The course starts from the basic level progressing to intermediate level, typically two sessions a week from 8.00pm to 9.30pm during weekday. The tuition fee is $40 per month, to be paid in advance, once every 3 months.
  4. Beginner Class Schedule: starts when there are sufficient head counts to form a class, with one the current option below:
    • Every Tuesday and Friday evening from 8.30pm to 10.00pm.
    • Every Monday and Thursday evening from 8.00pm to 9.30pm.
    • Every Sunday (Once a week only) from 8.30am to 10.00am
    • Every Tuesday and Friday morning from 9.15am to 10.45am
    • Every Wednesday and Friday morning from 9.15am to 10.45am

Minimum 3 or more students to form a new class, where an instructor will be dedicated for the teaching sessions.

Tai-Chi Society also offers one-to-one teaching to suit individual needs. The fee will be determined according to the requirements of the students and the learning venue, ranging from $20 to $50 per hour per session. Similarly, 4 sessions of tuition fee will be payable in advance.

Students who have already enrolled will be informed the starting date and time in due course. We will try to be flexible on class schedule options of new classes, so that those are keen to learn Taijiquan will not miss out the opportunity.

If you are interested in joining our Taiji classes, please contact the following instructors for details:

Instructor Suen: Mobile: 96934414, Send WhatsApp, Email: or

Instructor Ng: Mobile: 91120780, Send WhatsApp, Email: