Taijiquan is a form of martial art. However, unlike other form of martial arts, the practitioners are expected to be generally of good health and fitness. Taijiquan, on the other hand, only requires one’s complete relaxation and undivided concentration. The movements of Taijiquan are to be slow and relax. It emphasizes that we use our mind to lead our Qi(internal energy) to all part of our body. With constant practice, it can help to improve our metabolism, blood circulation and ease constipation. In addition, regular practice of Taijiquan enhances every aspect of our bodily functions. Undoubtly Taijiquan is good and suitable for the youngs, the olds, the weaks and the strongs and of course for you!
There are three reasons to practice Taijiquan
- As a physical exercise that goes beyond the development of strength, endurance and speed.
- As a martial art where yielding is the central principle and the offensive force is returned to the offender.
- As a system of psychological and spiritual development which centers on the concepts of balance, naturalness and passing beyond all concepts. All three utilize the method of refining through strengthening and quieting, the body, energy(Qi), and the mind. This producing an alignment with the sport which generates its own individual path.