Our Objects 本 会 宗 旨
The Society aims to 本 会 旨 在 :
- Carry out an in-depth study of the principles of Taiji;进 行 深 入 研 究 太 极 拳 原 理 ;
- Promote the arts of taijiquan; 提 倡 及 发 扬 太 极 拳 技 能 ;
- Enhance a healthy body and mind ; 促 进 身 心 健 康 ;
- Foster friendship amongst the members. 联 络 感 情 .
Becoming a Trainee and subsequently a Member 加 入 本 会
We are always looking for people interested in joining our organization.
Traineeship and Membership of the Society is open to any adult who is interested in taijiquan and who is prepared to abide by the rules and regulations of the Society. Any interested individual may apply to be a Trainee first by submitting the prescribed Traineeship application with the requisite Tuition fee which will be refunded should the application is rejected.
An application for traineeship and subsequent accepting as a membership will be considered by the Committee of Management. The applicant will be informed in writing of the decision of the Committee.
No person can be considered as a Trainee or Member of the Society prior to receiving the approval of his application for Traineeship or accepting as member by the committee in writing and paying the monthly fee.
A minor (person below 18 years old) may apply to be a Trainee of the Society with the consent of his/her parent or guardian in writing.
Our current president is Mr Lie Kee Pong.
学会的学员和会员资格是向任何对太极拳感兴趣并愿意遵守协会条例的成年人开放的。 任何有兴趣的个人都可以首先提交规定的学员申请表格并缴纳学费来申请,如果申请被拒绝,学费将被退还。管理委员会将审议学员申请以及随后接受成为会员的申请。 委员会的决定将以书面形式通知申请人。任何人在收到委员会批准学员申请或以书面形式接受为会员并缴纳月费之前,不得被视为学会的学员或会员。