Schedule 新班开课

2025 年 新班开课

⻩⽒(杨式)太极拳学习与训练班已经开始招⽣,接受公衆⼈⼠报名. 初级班是给⼀般爱好学习太极拳的⼤衆⼈⼠报名参加,不分男⼥⽼少和种族都可以报名. 每周一堂课, 每次一个半小时. 上课时间段可以选以下一项, 至少三个学生就可以开班.


  • 星期一到星期五傍晚 8.00pm到10.00pm间.
  • 星期日早上 8.30am到10.00am.
  • 星期二和星期五早上9.00am到12.00pm间


  1. 年齡65歲或以上的乐齡⼈⼠,2025年优待一年免费.
  2. 新加坡学府的在籍全职学生, 2025年每⽉$10的学费也豁免.
  3. 其他年龄层的人士, 2025年只收半价即每⽉$20的学费. ⼀次预交三个⽉学费.
  4. 我们也有⼀对⼀教导,每堂课⼀⼩时,每⼩时$50, 根据学⽣的需求和地点和教练时间来决定. 我们会先收4堂课的学费,每星期只有一堂课.

有兴趣学习太极拳的人士可以先联系以下教练, 到学会看过后, 才报名参加. 我们会尽量安排以凑合适和时间的新班, 并通知被彔取后的学员. 开课后我们可能会根据实际状况所需而在班级安排稍作更动.

孙教练: 电话:96934414, WhatsApp, 电邮

黄教练: 电话 91120780, WhatsApp, 电邮

New Classes in 2025

Huang’s (Yang Style) Taijiquan Training Class will start enrolling students for 2025, accepting applications from the general public who are interested in learning Taijiquan. Beginner class is one 1.5 hour lesson per week. You can choose your preferred time slot from below, minimum 3 pax to form a class.

Beginner Class Schedule:

  • Weekday Monday to Friday evening between 8.00pm to 10.00pm.
  • Every Sunday from 8.30am to 10.00 am
  • Every Tuesday and Friday between 9.00am to 12.00noon.

Trainee Category and Fees:

  1. Seniors aged 65 and above are exempted from paying tuition fee in 2025.
  2. Full time students in Singapore Schools or institutions are also exempted from paying original $10 per month in 2025..
  3. All others pay at half-price, i.e. $20 per month in 2025, collected 3 months in advance.
  4. We also offers one-to-one teaching to suit individual needs, depends on the matches between requirements of the students and availability of instructors. One lesson of 1 hour per week at $50 per session. 4 sessions of tuition fee will be payable in advance.

Interested party can contact the instructors below, visit our facility before you enroll for the beginner class. We will try to be flexible to fit and form the class, followed by notifying those who have already enrolled on the starting date/time in due course. After the classes begin, we may adjust the schedule if unforeseen circumstances arise.

Instructor Suen: Mobile: 96934414, Send WhatsApp, Email: or

Instructor Ng: Mobile: 91120780, Send WhatsApp, Email: